
Common Issues

I see updates in the changelog, but Cursor won't update.

If the update is very new, it might not have been pushed to you yet. We use staged rollouts, which means we release new updates to some randomly selected users first before releasing to everyone. Expect to receive the update within a few days!

I'm having GitHub login issues in Cursor / How do I log out of GitHub in Cursor?

You can try using the Sign Out of GitHub command from the command palette Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + P.

I can't use GitHub Codespaces.

Sorry, we don't currently support GitHub Codespaces.

I'm getting errors when connecting to remote SSH.

Currently, we don't support SSH connections to Mac or Windows machines. If you're not using a Mac or Windows machine, please report your issue to us on the forum. Including some logs would help us provide better assistance.

Cursor Tab and Cmd K don't work behind my enterprise proxy.

Cursor Tab and Cmd K use HTTP/2 by default, which allows us to use fewer resources with lower latency. Some enterprise proxies (e.g., Zscaler in certain configurations) block HTTP/2. To fix this, you can set "cursor.general.disableHttp2": true in settings (press Cmd/Ctrl + , then search for http2).

I just subscribed to Pro but still show free plan in app.

Try logging out and back in from the Cursor Settings popup.

When does my usage reset?

If you're subscribed to Pro, you can click Manage Subscription from the dashboard, and your plan renewal date will be shown at the top.

If you're a free user, you can check when you received our first email in your inbox. Your usage will reset monthly from that date.

How do I uninstall Cursor?

You can follow this guide to uninstall Cursor. Replace all occurrences of "VS Code" or "Code" with "Cursor" and ".vscode" with ".cursor".

How do I delete my account?

You can delete your account by clicking the Delete Account button in the dashboard. Note that this will delete your account and all data associated with it.

How do I open Cursor from the command line?

You can open Cursor from the command line by running cursor in your terminal. If you're missing the cursor command, you can:

  1. Open the command palette ⌘⇧P
  2. Type install command
  3. Select Install 'cursor' command (or the code command, which will override VS Code's code command)

Troubleshooting Guide

Here's a list of useful information for most troubleshooting scenarios in Cursor:

01) Screenshot of the issue (hide any sensitive information)

02) Steps to reproduce

03) System information from:

Cursor > Help > About

04) Are you using a VPN or Zscaler?

05) Developer Tools Console errors

Open Developer Tools by:

Cursor > Help > Toggle Developer Tools

Then click Console to see if there are any relevant errors.

06) Logs

On Windows, you can find logs here:


This is the parent folder of the folder that opens when you:

  • Press Ctrl + Shift + P (opens command palette in Cursor)
  • Type and select Developer: Open Logs Folder

You can also view logs in Cursor > Terminal > Output, then click the dropdown and select Window or other Cursor-specific options like Cursor Tab or Cursor Indexing & Retrieval.